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Stuart Gordon Talks The Re-Animator, Screamfest, and more.

Recently I had the chance to chat with Stuart Gordon his classic film "Re-Animator" as well as his current projects and thoughts about the world of horror as he prepares from Screamfest in L.A. Mr. Gordon was kind enough to share some of his thoughts regarding the film, conventions, and her time on.

GVK:GVK: what drew you to horror and what have been some of your biggest Inspirations?

CK: Probably when I was younger and my parents forbad me to watch horror, which in response only made me want to watch it more. I remember the William Castle film “The Tingler” with the vibrating seats; it had me running for the lobby in no time once the seats started in .Get the Rest>>



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With the final installment of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy due next summer, I thought I would provide the storyline as best as I know it. I have gathered this from sources that have proven to be reliable in the past. I am not saying that I have the final word or that I am an insider, rather I am presenting a written form of what I speak about at conventions and other live events. I am not going to give all the events but rather the highlights and this should be taken as a heavy spoiler.

The film opens roughly three years after the events of “Attack of the Clones” with a huge space battle above Coruscant between Republic and Separatist forces. It is learned during the opening scroll that the Separatists under count Dooku have kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine and a dynamic battle and rescue attempt ensues. Anakin is flying a customized Jedi Fighter and reportedly chides Obi Wan about his given name of Ben after he discovers this in his records. After some intense fighting which is said to show capital ships splitting open and bodies flying from the breached hulls, Anakin and Obi-wan board the flagship that is holding Palpatine. Anakin and Obi Wan make their way through the ship battling druids and eventually work through a tank of liquid fuel to reach their objective. It is believed that Obi-Wan battles the leader of the droid army General Grevious while Anakin attempts to rescue Palpatine. Anakin is told to take Dooku alive but when he encounters Dooku, he is eager to show how much he has grown since he lost his arm to Dooku in their last battle. Urged on by Palpatine Anakin kills Dooku and manages to keep the ship stable enough to conduct a forced yet safe landing on Coruscant. During this, Grevious has managed to escape the ship to regroup with the forces. Anakin is praised by Palpatine but feels he is not given due respect from his Jedi Peers and grows frustrated. Anakin is soon asked to be the personal guard of Palpatine. In the meantime, there is some interplay between Anakin and Padme as they discuss the pending birth of their child. There is also of political maneuvering and such during this point so I will move ahead to the next series of events.

Yoda ends up on Kashyyk, the Wookie home world and other Jedi are scattered around the galaxy mopping up the remaining Separatist forces. It is said that the Clone Troopers have an imbedded code that places them under the control of Palpatine and as such they turn on their Jedi Generals and begin the purge. This is hard for Obi-Wan as he is forced to kill a trooper he had bonded with over the course of the campaigns.

It is said that Yoda and Chewbacca are the only survivors of a battle on Kashyyk and that Yoda discovers an artifact or information pointing out the identity of Darth Sidious. It is said that Mace Windu and several Jedi confront Palpatine with what they have learned causing Palpatine to reveal himself and destroy the Jedi before him. Anakin is conflicted but through Palpatine's urging, he kills Mace and then heads to the Jedi Temple to complete his task.

Bail Organa learns of the plan and attempts to warn the Jedi all the while under attack from Palpatine’s troops. Anakin enters the Jedi Temple and kills all the Jedi he encounters including the young Jedi younglings. The temple is in ruins when Bail Organa arrives with the local fire department and unknown to him, a beacon summoning all the Jedi to the temple has been activated.

Yoda and Obi-wan arrive at the temple and code the beacon to warn all remaining Jedi to flee and hide. Yoda is said to take on Palpatine and barely get away alive, and Obi Wan is sent on a mission to stop Anakin.

In the course of this, Obi Wan battles Grevious again and dispatches him. Obi wan is said to ride a lizard that can cling to surfaces while Grevious uses a custom speeder. The battle between them is tense but despite Grevious wielding 4 lightsabers, Obi-Wan dispatches him with a blaster to his inner workings.

Anakin is sent to a planet reportedly called Mustaffar where he is to take the surrender of the remaining separatists but is under orders to kill them. Obi-Wan meets up with Padme and learns of the secret marriage and pregnancy and sets off to locate Anakin. Once all sides meet up, Anakin has killed the Separatist leaders and discovers Padme has stolen away on Obi-Wans ship and he turns on her reportedly force chocking her and tossing her across the room. This starts the reported 12-minute battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan that results in Anakin losing he legs and arms and being badly burned in the process.

With Palpatine’s forces on his heels, Obi-Wan takes Padme onboard Bail Organas private ship, (The same one at the start of the original Star Wars), where she gives birth to the twins and dies soon after.

It is said that around this point a helpful alien played by Bruce Spence helps hide Obi-Wan. Anakin is brought back from the dead and in a gruesome sequence we see the armor grafted to his body in a scene that is disturbing as he is tended by druids and robot arms from above. Obi-Wan takes the young baby male to the Lars Homestead on Tattooine and Bail takes the female child with him to Alderran in an effort to hide them. Yoda and Obi-Wan go into hiding and C3PO and R2-D2 reportedly have their memories wiped.

The final scenes of the film are said to be Padme’s funeral on Naboo and the emergence of Darth Vader who through the force, nearly destroys his surroundings when Palpatine tells him that he has killed Padme. The final shot is said to be Vader, Palpatine, and Tarkin looking from the bridge of a ship as the first Death Star begins construction.

There you have the general outline of the plot, as it is know to happen. I have left out filler and side moments to concentrate on the main info. It is said to be a very, very dark and gritty film yet the best of the series by far. Gareth Von Kallenbach

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One of the most anticipated films in history, "Star Wars Episode II" is now less than two months away from completion. Internet spies have been abuzz with insider rumors, and spy pictures of the top secret film production.

I am often asked to speak at local conventions about upcoming films and the latest rumors on Star Wars, and what follows is an overview of the film based on several sources who have been factual in the past. Be warned, the overview may contain spoilers and I am not claming it to neither be the storyline, nor do I claim to have seen the script, rather the overview is based upon information obtained through sources that have been reliable in the past.

Episode II starts 10 years after the events of "The Phantom Menace" viewers will be told via the famous scrolling text that a charismatic separatist, Count Dooku, who is a former Jedi who left the order shortly after the death of Qui Gon Jinn, has the systems in a state of civil war as they try to break from the Republic. Since the Jedi are overwhelmed trying to keep the peace, and since the Republic has not had a standing army in generations, a bill is introduced in the senate to create a clone army to assist the Jedi.

The first shot of the film is said to be Senator Amidala arriving in her starship for the cloning vote on Coruscant.

No sooner does her ship land than an explosion rocks her ship killing one of Amidala's decoys. To many, Amidala has been killed, but the real Amidala is safely aboard one of the escort fighters transporting the transport. A Senate scene is said to follow where despite support for a clone army from Amidala, and Senator Jar Jar Binks, the issue is left unresolved at the day's end.

It is at this point that Amidala is reunited with Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker. The two Jedi have been assigned to protect her, and despite not having seen Amidala in ten years, Anakin is captivated by her, and is insecure as he feels that she has forgotten him. There is little time for idle chat as a second assassination attempt is made on Amidala and the two Jedi follow the would be assassin, shapeshifter Zam Wessel,through the lower levels of Coruscant in what is said to be a visual spectacle before catching up to her in a Bar. It is when trying to enter the bar that Anakin shows some signs of his eventual fall, when after a Alien bouncer refuses to allow the Jedi, Anakin reaches for his lightsaber in order to gain access to the club at any price. This backfires as the alien grows to four times his normal height, and it takes Obi Wan to calm and resolve the situation. Obi one is said to say after the event, "Anakin Skywalker, you will be the death of me someday". The Jedi succeed in locating Wessel and just when she is about to provide key information, Wessell is killed by a second assassin lurking in the shadows. The only clue is a dart like weapon that is left at the scene. The Jedi council orders Anakin to escort Amidala back to Naboo and protect her, while Obi Wan is ordered to get the source of the assassination attempts. Obi Wan learns that the dart weapon is called a Kyber Dart and is located on a planet knows as Kamino.. Oddly enough, the people of the planet are said to be expert cloners. Anakin and Amidala travel to Naboo, and visit her family and the new queen Jamala, all the while developing their love for one another though Amidala is hesitant as she thinks the timing is all wrong and the Jedi Code discourages the Jedi from getting married as strong emotional attachments can set the stage for emotional instability and thus sliding to the Dark Side of the Force.

Obi Wan arrives on Kamino, and is greeted warmly by the locals. He is shown a cloning facility in full production, and learns that the troops that Jedi Master Sido-Dias has ordered are ready. Obi Wan is perplexed by this as he knows on no Sido-Dias, especially one who claims to be the head of the Jedi Council. Obi Wan is soon introduced to the template for the Clone army, Jango Fett. It does not tike Obi Wan long to realize that Jango was the mysterious assassin who killed Zam Wessel and a battle between Jango, Obi Wan, and Jango's Young clone son Boba Fett erupts in a rainstorm. The fight looks to be a masterpiece of technology and will set the new standard for digital effects, as raindrops interact with Obi Wan's lightsaber while Jango uses his rocket pack in an attempt to defeat his Jedi foe.

While Jango and Boba Fett escape, Obi Wan is able to place tracer on their ship to follow them to their next destination. After a chase through an asteroid field, Obi Wa's ship is disabled and no longer capable of following Jango's ship. Obi Wan takes the infotmation obtained from the tracer and contacts the Jedi Council.

It is at this time that Anakin has a vision of his mother being in danger and borrows a ship from the Queen of naboo to travel to Tattooine. Upon arrival on Tattoine, Anakin heads to Watto's shop and discovers Watto has fallen on hard times and has lost his ability to fly. It seems that Watto has sold Anakin's mom to a moisture farmer named Clieg Lars who has married Shmi and lives with his son, Owen and Owens girlfriend Beru out on the edge of the Dune Sea.

Anakin arrives at the farm to learn that his mother has vanished and Tusken Raiders are suspected as the cause. Anakin finds his mother barely alive after a Tuskin attack and she dies in his arms. Anakin begins his slide to the darkside by taking his lightsaber and killing the nearby camp of Tusken including many women and children, he returns to the Lars homestead bitter thinking that if he had not left to become a Jedi, she would still be alive. It is at this time that Amidala completes C3PO from parts of scrap coverings that she found, and C3PO and R2-D2 are united once again.

It is unclear what happens next, but somehow Amidala end up in the hands of Count Dooku's minions forcing Obi Wan and Anakin to mount a rescue as the Jedi mass an all out attack on the hiding place of Count Dooku, a planet known as Genosis. It seems that Genosis is where the battle droids are built, and a new style known as the Super Battle Droids are being built to fight the Jedi.

Just when things look bad for Obi Wan, Anakin and Amidala following their capture, Mace Windu and army of Jedi arrives, and a full-scale battle between ensues. It is during this battle that Mace Windu kills Jango Fett, thus planting the seeds of hate for the Jedi in young Boba's mind. During the battle, a group of Jedi invades a droid control ship, and learns that a trap has been set, and that the steaks are much larger than anyone ever expected. The Super Battle Droids lay down an awesome amount of firepower, and even a Jedi has a hard time deflecting the shots and some even resort to two lightsabers to fend off the shots.

Obi Wan and Anakin enter a battle with Count Dooku who tempts the Jedi to the Dark Side and soon has both the skilled warriors at his mercy. Suddenly, Yoda arrives with a large assortment of clone soldiers he has picked up from Kamino, and the tide of the battle has turned. Yoda comes to the aid of the Jedi and engages Dooku in combat. Dooku is no match for Yoda who battles Dooku into submission, just as Yoda is about to deliver the death blow to Dooku, Dooku manages to get away and escapes onboard his solar sailer ship.

The Jedi are victorious but the cost in lives has been staggering as many of the Jedi, including half of the Jedi Council are dead. Only Yoda, Mace Windu, and two others are left alive. Count Dooku arrives on Coruscant as is greeted by Darth Sidious, who addresses Dooku as Darth Tyranus, and praises him for starting the war, and having things go as planned. Anakin and Amidala marry in secret on Naboo, and the film is said to end with Mace and Yoda talking as Clone troops enter transports to head of for battle, as the Clone Wars have begun. Gareth Von Kallenbach

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Hot new story. My exclusive interview with the creators of "PA Wars". Star Wars has inspired creativity amongst it's many fans for generations. There has been fan inspired art, costumes, stories, and films to name but a few. A group of talented young men decided to combine their jobs with a Star Wars film, that was inspired by the trailer for "The Phantom Menace". The creative team of , Scott Hahn, Dennis Stay, Tod Callies, Eric Seaburn worked on their film "PA Wars" while they were working on a number of other projects. Spone explained the groups background as follows, "I've been working on a lowbudget, super sixteen feature for a few years now titled "The Friday Night Blues On Monday," while Dennis has been directing short films for Tadd Callies has been working on a feature length script with a Major production company and Eric Seaburn shoots his own shorts which are posted at various websites. All this while shooting PA WARS and holding jobs on the television series "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids." The creative team shot in and around their office, and created a film that is destined to become a classic amongst the Star Wars community. Spoofs of Star Wars are nothing new, as the classic "Hardware Wars" was a staple of summer library screeners when I was a youth. Today, thanks to the internet, and video equiptment that is more sophisticated and easier to use, fans have created many good short Star Wars films, and have posted them at various sites on the web. Dennis Stay explained the history behind the film as follows, "PA Wars" Was shot off and on, with huge gaps in-between, over a period of about seven months. The budget was very small. Basically, the cost of tape stock, a few CD's, and a bunch of broken sabers. Probably less than $300. As far as distribution goes, we just sent a VHS to and they approved it. They pretty much took over from there. We've had great success with the guys at and we want them to handle the premiere of Episode II: Duel of the Fakes as well. In fact, the trailer is playing there right now. Duel of the Fakes will probably wrap up the story of PA Wars, but we may have a few tricks up our sleeves, yet. We'll see".. The story of "PA Wars" tells of a young production assistant,(Hahn) who runs afoul of his superiors Qui Stay Gon (Stay) and his boss Executive Palpatadd (Callies) Frustrated by his work that amounts to being the lowest person on a films production crew, and liten more than an errand and whipping boy, the PA turns to master Yoda for words of wisdom and guidance. What follows is a funny adventure that has the PA fighting the forces of evil. The film is short, but a follow up entitled "Duel Of The Fakes" is in the works and will be released this Summer. To see the film in its entirity, go to the film section of the Force Net at Gareth J. Von Kallenbach Skiewed and Reviewed

I recently had the chance to talk with Jeremy Bulloch about some of his experiences with the Star Wars saga, as well as what he is currently involved with. Bulloch is known to fans the world over as the man who brought the evil bounty hunter Boba Fett to life, and is constantly in demand at conventions due to the enourmous popularity of the character.

GVK: At this point, what do you know about your involvement in the upcoming films? Have you had any contacts?

JB: No, no involvement at all really. To be quite honest, I say to people that I do not own the right to be in the next film. I enjoyed my time in the films, and I assume that Fett is coming back, and whoever plays it, it is a fantastic part to play. I liked to be involved somehow in it, but I do not expect to.

GVK: What kind of background did they give you on the character for "Empire", was their a backstory?

JB: Just that he was a bounty hunter, a mercenary, and he is cold, there was not a real backstory at all.

GVK: Was there any reason why you were not called in for the new scenes that were added to the Special Editions?

JB: No, I don't think so. Everyone has asked if I was upset that I was not used, and I always say no. I did my time on the first films, but I am very honored that they used Boba Fett in the new scenes. The character has become very popular, and that is luck for me, as luck for an actor. I have had a ball doing the films, and Fett is now an important part of this whole trilogy.

GVK: I am sure you have heard about the continuing adventures of Fett in both comic and novel form, are you ever contacted about stories?

JB: the nice thing about that is that I am kept up to date. People send me books, comics, and so on, and perhaps one day I can write a story.

GVK: That would be great.

JB: I also get to hear different fan versions of what happened. I am up to date, I have met various people at Lucasfilm, I have been to Skywalker Ranch, and I feel as if I am part of a family. It is a history that has gone back for twenty years. As much as you try to put it in the background, as I am working as an actor in England, you cant really, as it keeps coming up. I still get 100 letters a week which is extraordinary.

GVK: How much of the fight in Jedi did you do?

JB: None, it was all done by stunt people. People always ask me about this, and I tell them that there are very talented people who get paid to do this type of work, and what they do is fantastic. People asked about how hot it was in Yuma, and actually, the hottest past was the carbon freeze scenes.

GVK: Did it require many takes?

JB: Quite a few. All of the steam and dry ice that was used being pushed in by pipes, and it was a very difficult scene to do.

GVK: Was the timing hard to get right?

JB: Yes, you had Solo going down, then the steam, and the claw mechanism, it was a very interesting scene.

GVK: When Fett took Han off to Jabba at the end of "Empire" were you given any heads up as to what was ahead for your character?

JB: No, when it finished, I did not have a clue, and suddenly I heard that I was going to be in the next one and I was very excited about that.

GVK: How did the officer scene in Cloud City come about for you?

JB: There was no actor there, and I was asked if I would dress in the uniform and be in the scene. I said, I would. You help out, it was a matter of somone not being available, and I was as I was waiting to do a scene later, so I just got up and did it.

GVK: Did you do any of the voice at all?

JB: No, that was dubbed months later. At the time they did not know how he was going to sound. I was happy to be a part of this big science fiction wheel.

GVK: You mentioned earlier about wanting to do a comic or something, what is happeneing with that?

JB: If I ever get asked to do a story, I would like to be involved. I have written several stories. I did one for a Kosovo Refugee, and I wrote a tale from the viewpoinbt of Boba Fett. It was written in Englad as part of the "Tales From Midnight" series, and they had a special comic which was used to raise money for Kosovo.

GVK: Thank you for your time. I appreciate it.

JB: You are welcome, it has been a great pleasure.

Hello, I was speaking and helping to promote Destinycon in Tacoma, WA yesterday and I managed to get an interview with several of the guests for my radio show and newspaper article. I spent over an hour talking with Jeremy Bulloch(Boba Fett), and he informed me that he believes the title of the next film should be "The Fall of The Jedi" This is world premiere disclosure so feel free to use for your sites, just make sure you credit and link me. Gareth Von Kallenbach. I will have more from the interview posted as I have time.

I was able to get an associate of mine to get an interview with Natalie Portman while she was filming "Where the Heart is". Brett Cannon did a great job with the interview to my questions, and here is the info. He conducted the interview for me as well as for Sir Steves Guide. Q. Chocolate or Cookies ‘N’ Cream ( my Fav.) A. “Vanilla”.

Q. Did you find the final version of the film to be confusing for your Characters? A. “No not really, if you understand everything that’s going on”. “Any avid Star Wars Fan after seeing it 7 times would realize (laughter).”

Q. This must have been a totally new experience for you , working with so Many bluescreens. Did you find it more difficult than you expected it would? Be? Easier? (Please follow-up) A. “We used a blue screen in Mars Attacks.. That wasn’t a first”.

Q. Did you have the chance to watch the first 3 Star Wars films before Working on PHANTOM? From what I understand, you never did see the original Trilogy. A. “Yes I did see the original Trilogy after I got casted as homework, Rick made me watch them.”

Q. some younger actors do not seem to be treated as equals by "seasoned" Actors due to their age. Did you find that this was a problem on the set? Do you think you have gained a new respect from the filmmaking community? after your success in PHANTOM ? A.“ Oh, Everyone was wonderful. Got along great with everyone.”

Q. Do you still try to go out in public and live like a normal "kid”? A. “Yes, I love to go to Magazine stores”.

Q. You weren't working in the Star Wars movies, what kind of job could? You see yourself doing (besides acting)? A. “McDonalds…???”

Q. Did you ever in your wildest dreams ever think you'd be Luke? Skywalker's mom? :) A. “ No, George is like, Your gonna be the Queen. I was Like, Great! Then Rick told me that she gets married to Anakin. I was Like, Ooook.”

Q.How do you feel about having toys ranging from action figures to dolls? Fashioned in your image? Which is your favorite? And where in your home do You keep your set on display? A. “I have the Little Queen Amidala Dressup Doll in my room.. That’s pretty cool.”

Q. What changes do you expect in your character to go through in future films? A. “ Well from each Episode to the next will change, Episode II will be my last. But I think Ep. II being a Romance part of the Prequels will be Different then the rest of the trilogy.

This weeks news>>>>> It seems that Boba Fett will have a significant part in Episode II. Sources tell me that the Mandalorian Super Commandos, will invade Tatooine. Since Fett wears this type of armor, many believe this is where he will eneter the story. There is also supposed to be an epic battle on a planet called Concord dawn between Jedi and opposing forces. I have heard that it is arogance that Turns Anakin to the Dark Side, as he lets his success as a Jedi get to him, and is taken by the Dark Side. Finally, it seems that a Love Triangle between Anakin, Obi Wan, and Amidala may form.

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Just saw the new trailer with the press screener of The Incredibles tonight. Some may take it as spoilers, but here is how it goes.

It starts with the familiar Fox and Lucasfilm logo and the classic "A Long Time Ago". You then see Luke looking out at the twin suns as he did in "A New Hope", Obi Wan then voices the The Jedi were the guardians lines as we cut to scenes of Qui Gon and Obi Wan, then we get the lines about Vader betraying the Jedi, Shots of the clones loading onto the ships from Episode II this leads to a shot of a robed Anakin turning so we can see inside the hood. He has bright glowing eyes, and a deadly stare.

The first shot of Episode III is of an eruption on Mustafar. It is a volcanic, barren hell hole, burnt rocks and volcanos line the landscape and we see what looks like mechanical spiders with riders atop of them crossing the field.

What follows comes fast so I will give it to you but in no particular order as it is hard to keeo straight how it all came.

You do hear Palpatine say arise Lord Vader and they show him strapped to table that is leaning forward and surrounded with steam.

As he rises they cut to scenes and then back to him rising. You seen Anakin and Padme, the new Jedi Fighters in action, a Breathtaking shot of the capitol ship battle the opens the film. You see lots of Wookies, Tie Medran (Spelling), C-3PO, R2, in the Tantive IV hall. There is a great scene of Yoda coming in looking very upset and drawing his sabre then one later of him chopping. (This is the Palpatine Confrontation)

Mace in a pitched battle, a very quick shot of the dual, more shots of Padme, and a great one of a eveil grin in a hooded Robe which I took as Palpy. It flies very fast and furious and it is hard to take it all in as the next sequence is being shown while you are still trying to take it all in. It is visually very stunning. Either technology has taken a huge leap since the last film or Lucas has been holding back as this is amazing. There are no shots of Grevious, His Henchman, or Dooku nut what is shown looks great. There was silence when it ended and someone let a "wow" out and a steady murmur followed as people took in what they have seen. If you have questions drop me a line. I filled this in as best as I can remember as I promised to get it to you the moment I got back from the screener.

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Star Wars Episode III plot outline is here. I have had so many people ask me about the storyline so I have written a summary. E-mail me to have a copy sent, the address is at the page bottom by the daily counter.



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5 more episodes of "The Clone Wars" are due and will cover the opening scoll of Episode III. Look for it in 2005.



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