Sotolol (Betapace):

Nonselective b-Blocker

Mixed Class II & Class III Antiarrhythmic



Sotolol is an unusual type of b-blocker in that it also has mixed class II and class III antiarrhythmic effects.  It can be used in the treatment of a wide range of problems, including HTN, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, WPW, and in A fib/flutter to maintain NSR after being converted.  Class III effects include prolonging the action potential and refractory periods in both atrial and ventricular tissue, as well as in the AV node and its bypass tract.  Unfortunately, its side effects are sufficiently dangerous as to severely restrict its use.  It is completely water soluble, and is totally excreted by the kidneys.


Dose: Generally 80-320 mg BID depending on goal.  It is not given IV.


Side Effects: Typical of b-blockers, with the addition of ¯ HR, ¯ BP, ­ CHF, AV block, VF (esp torsades), and PVCs.


Contraindicated: in asthma, CHF, 2° or 3° AV block, ¯ HR, ¯ BP, cardiogenic shock, and those with severe sinus node dysfunction. Use cautiously in patients with renal impairement or DM.




Copyright 2009, Samos Alixopulos, ICU RN