The logo was designed by Charles Luckman & Associates for the civic plaza of Phoenix, Arizona. The creator of this logo deserves credit for its brilliant design. The black portrays the bird, and the white portrays an embryo. If the artist should happen to run across this site, please contact me. This image was retired to make way for a new life, and with permission of the city of Phoenix, rose from its ashes to serve a'new, the body of literary opus here.  


Rose Chapters

 Spell of the Seasons


 by D.J. Sprague



Seattle, Washington
98107 USA
North American Continent
Earth-Solar System
Local Earth-Solar System
Point Six-Six Medial Orion Arm
Milky Way Galaxy
Local Andromeda-Milky Way Galactic Group NGC300 
Virgo Super Cluster
Boundaryless Universe


"The Rose Chapters" Avant-Garde novel; "Spell of the Seasons" tone poem, opinion essay,  literary portrait, flash fiction, and semantics.


Ars Soliloquy


Online Phoenix website since 1995. Otherwise, excerpts published in numerous anthologies since 1980. Op.14 "Mantras of Love," published serially in a collection of four anthologies by Poetryfest Press, 2016-2018. One book “Apocalypse” ( now Chapter 15, "Apocalypsis")  by Hwong Publishing, 1980.


TXu 2-014-961 Effective registration date: March 2016

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