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Working with Others

Directions to LeadershipObjectives:

This activity may be completed individuality or performed in a class environment. If the learner completes the questionnaire outside of the classroom, then the learner should discuss it with a couple of people who know him or her.

If performed in a classroom environment, have the learners complete the questionnaire then divide the classroom into triads (groups of three) to discuss their answers. For personal questionnaire like this, triads are normally recommend as most people will feel more comfortable to have an honest discussion with a very small group than they would with a larger group.

Behaviors That Are Essential To Human Relations

Listed below are a number of behaviors that are essential to relating to others. Rate yourself on these behaviors, using the following scale:

 1   2  3    4   5    6   7   8   9
Very  Fairly  Adequate  Fairly  Very
Weak  Weak              Strong  Strong

Note: a rating of 5 or higher means that you would considered yourself a resource person (if only minimally so). That is, in a relationship or group, you would be more of a giver rather than a receiver.

  1. ______ Feelings: I am not afraid to deal directly with emotion, no matter if it is my own or someone else's. I allow myself to feel and give expressions to what I feel.

  2. ______ Initiative: In my relationships, I act rather than react by going out and contacting others without waiting to be contacted.

  3. ______ Respect: I express that I am for others even if I do not necessarily approve of everything they do.

  4. ______ Genuineness: I do not hide behind roles or facades. I let others know where I stand.

  5. ______ Concreteness: I am not vague when I speak to others. I do not beat around the bush in that I deal with concrete experience and behavior.

  6. ______ Immediacy: I deal openly and directly with others. I know where I stand with others and they know where they stand with me.

  7. ______ Empathy: I see the world through the eyes of others by listening to cues, both verbal and nonverbal, and I respond to these cues.

  8. ______ Confrontation: I challenge others with responsibly and care. I do not use confrontation to help them grow and learn, rather to punish.

  9. ______ Self-disclosure: I let others know the person inside me, but I am not exhibitionistic. I am open without being a secret-reveler or secret-searcher.

  10. ______ Self-exploration: I examine my lifestyle and behaviors and want others to help me to do so. I am open to change. 


There are no correct or incorrect scores. This assessment simply shows you where you stand in your relations with others. Your goal should be to work on the lowest scores of the 10 behaviors to try to improve them. Also note your strong behaviors, they should be used to their full advantage; however, do not over use them.

Also, have one or two others rate you so that you can get an outside view of yourself as to whether you are projecting yourself to others as you believe you are.

Next Steps

This activity is based on the chapter, Diversity

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