Donna Miller & Friend

Spiritual Practices

  1. Lovingkindness, Sharon Salzberg; Shambhala, 1995
  2. The Path of Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield, Shambhala, 1995
  3. A Path with Heart, Jack Kornfield, Bantam Books, 1993
  Donna Miller
Couples Reading List
  1. Passionate Marriage: Love, Sex, and Intimacy in Emotionally Committed Relationships; David Schnarch, PhD., Norton 1997
  2. Why Marriages Succeed or Fail...and How You Can Make Yours Last; John Gottman, PhD.; Simon & Schuster 1995
  3. Hot Monogamy; Dr. Patricia Love & Jo Robingson, Penguin Books, 1994
  4. Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay; Mira Kirshenbaum, Penguin Books, 1996
  5. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate; Gary Chapman, Northfield 1995
  6. Emotional Intelligence; Daniel Goldman, Bantam Books, 1995
  7. Journey of the Heart: Intimate Relationship and the Path of Love; John Welwood, PhD., Harper Perennial 1990
  8. Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment, A Way to Be Fully Together Without Giving Up Yourself; Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD.; Bantam 1990
  9. The Good Marriage: How & Why Love Lasts; Judith S. Wallerstein & Sandra Blakeslee; Warner Books 1990
  10. The Triumphant Marriage: 100 Extremely Successful Couples Reveal Their Secrets; Neil Clark Warren, PhD., Focus on the Family 1995
  11. The Power of Unconditional Love: 21 Guidelines for Beginning, Improving, and Changing Your Most Meaningful Relationships; Ken Keyes, Jr., Love Line Books: Coos Bay, Oregon, 1990

Article: Simple Living
Interview: Breitenbush Hot Springs
Client List
Couples Reading List